Custom 1-1 Pooty / Airtac / Monk Speed Build - Pulsar D with Blue splash / Marble base

  • Sale
  • Regular price $1,350.00

Very very rare for us to have custom builds for sale. We have the Violet version of this same build for sale also. Both have 100% the same parts. We built this setup with durability and function in mind. I very light and sturdy speed build. Keep in mind that anno and build time would be 480 alone! Battery and EPM1 mag not included. But the custom anno matched EPM1 base plate does ship. Below is the full build info. If you add up the cost of the parts below, it is $1350. You are getting the custom anodizing and the build time for free. 


All builds ship to the USA only  !!


Build details

All aluminum parts have a violet splash with our marble base anodizing. NOT paint...

1 of 2 Pooty edition Aluminum upper tube 

Airtac HPA upper tube mount with red and green fiber optics

Airtac aluminum front site and barrel threads 

Airtac aluminum Back cap

Airtac aluminum front and rear body pins

Airtac aluminum trigger guard

Airtac aluminum ambi mag release

Gate aluminum trigger

Airtac HPS gearbox 

Pulsar D (dual solenoid) engine 

Gate titan 2 Bluetooth ETU (optical trigger switch for a very fast rate of fire) 

Monk ESG-R Aluminum Grip with built in regulator 

Pooty on / off aluminum venting ASA adapter 

G&G lower receiver and body pin 

Prometheus Hopup 

Polished internal Brass Krytac inner barrel in 155 with R-hop patch 

Airtac flat bucking with flat R-hop nub