This is a information section to have your parts anodized. We will send you a invoice to pay once we go over your needs. Please read the below.
How it works.
1st - You must have non painted Aluminum Parts. They can be anodized or raw. We don't work with parts that have any form of paint on them. Airsoft parts are rarely aluminum. Most high end Hi-Capa Parts and high end HPA builds such as Wolverine airsoft will be pure aluminum. If you don't know what you have, I would contact the manufacture. Most paintball parts will be anodized aluminum. So you paintball guys should be good.
2nd - You must be able to take your parts apart. Each part is racked alone. Nothing can be in your parts or attached to them. We can take apart newer paintball guns.
If you can get past the above two things, read further
The below is our Facebook and Instagram info. It is very very important that you look at our past anno work and make sure what we do is something you like. Avoid all platting stuff. We no longer do 24k gold, chrome and Aurora. Just anodizing
Facebook - Pooty Paintball and Anodizing
Instagram - Pooty_Anodizing_and_Customs
If you like our work then email the below info. Or email us if you have any other questions if your not ready.
We will need
Airsoft - The parts you have / a picture will be best
Paintball - The parts you have or the gun you have with any extra parts
Colors you want your parts / gun. A picture and any changes to its color would be best. If its not complex then just list the colors.
- If you have a newer paintball gun, we can take it apart for $80. We do not take apart any airsoft stuff
If your in the USA
That's really it. Expect some back and forth to go over things. If your request is pretty direct or basic we will get you a quote in one email. In the end we will get you a total. If that works we can make a item on this site, send you our paypal info or email you paypal invoice to pay.
Pack up your parts and send it in
We recommend wrapped up your parts in bubble wrap with no tape.. Usps or UPS are good options. But please send your stuff in a box packed well. Yes we have seen damage from bad packing...
If we have questions during this process we will email you.
You will get a picture of your parts and tracking emailed to you the day it is done. Turn around is normally 2 weeks or less.
We also will post up your pictures/video on IG and facebook. This will help you if you ever sell the gun and it grows our portfolio.
In the end always expect to get your own custom creation. Never a copy of another gun. All our work is freehand. Never a graphic print.
Frequently asked anno questions below
Anno costs - Most paintball guns will be around $380 for custom anno. Extra parts are around $20 per part. Airsoft parts pricing will be based off the colors and the amount / size of your parts. Each job has its own custom cost.
Do you do platting? - Gold platting, Nickel, Chrome and Aurora we have stopped. We will update the site if this changes.
How do I keep my place in line?
Your payment date is how we keep your gun in the line. If you need to pay when it’s done just let us know. But our turn around is fast.
-I really don't know what I want to do to my gun / parts. Do you guys have sample pictures I can see.
Yes, our Facebook page has almost every single Anno job we have ever done. Even your gun will be posted on our Facebook page once it's done. This is a a good place to go and see what we have done and get color ideas. We do have a Instagram account but it didn't start as early as Facebook. So Facebook will have far more pictures.
- Can you anno all parts
No, We can not anodize steel, chrome, titanium or plastic parts. Only Aluminum parts can be anodized that are raw or anodized now.
- Can I just send you guys a parts / gun and you make a custom that you think would look good?
Sure, but Anno is a thing that you should like. But if you really don't care and want something wild we can work our magic. Giving us creative freedom with some color input from you can be a good thing. Some of our best work is when we can do what we think will turn look best and we do spend extra time on these.
- I have a dust finish gun, can you make it gloss
In some cases we can polish your parts gloss. We would need pictures of what you have to get you a cost for this.
- Can you turn my gloss gun to dust?
Yes, we can glass blast your gun to make it dust. Pricing is based on the amount of parts you need done. We use a very fine glass bead. So your finish will look in most cases better then the factory dust finish.
-Will my parts / gun loose metal from the Anno process.
Our Anno process we watch very closely. We watch very closely the Anno strip times and other processes that might make your gun loose metal. If you are re-anodizing parts that already have anodizing on them, you will loose a very small bit of size. If you have raw parts you can gain a little size or it will be the same after anno.
- Do we offer color matching
No. Without knowing the brand of dye, Anno times, Anno temps and other processes the Anno shop that originally colored your parts used, we will not be able to get the same color.
- Do you copy other guns
No, but you can give us the colors you want and we can make your own custom gun. We can use a picture for reference. But always expect our version of it.
- Turn around time
2 weeks or less is typical. It could be more or less. Best to ask when your ready to send your gun in and we will let you know then.
- What you would send in
Just the aluminum parts. No grips, screws, plastics, stickers. Anything. Just the parts that need color. Or we can take your gun (paintball) apart for a cost. Email us your info.
- Can I keep my same color and you add new colors on top?
No, all Anno must be removed to add new color.
- Is Anodizing paint
No, it's a process that opens up the pores of the metal and we add color to those pores. Then close the pores and you have permanent color that won't come out.
- Poocasso, can you match another poocasso you have done
No, we can use the same colors from that gun you like, but never expect a poocasso to come out like another poocasso. It can be lighter or darker. Think of it as art work. You want your own piece or art anyways. No 2 poocasso guns will ever look the same
- I am worried that the poocasso anno I want won't look like the gun I see and like on your Facebook
Then please don't go for the poocasso base. Splash, sponge, fades and the single colors we can time and get the correct color for you. Poocasso is all done by hand and the we never guaranty it will look like something we have done in the past
- Can I buy a new already custom anodized gun?
Yes, let us know what paintball gun your looking for and we can let you know if we can get it and your total. This is a great option that will save you time and money. We discount our anno costs since we make a little on the gun sale. Airsoft - We only sell the Monk Oracle and the Wolverine line of builds. Since these are full aluminum and we know they take color great.
- I see little silver marks on the inside of some of my parts that have anodized.
Yes, every part must be racked and connected to a power supply. So each part will have a contact point and that contact point will not have any color. It will be anodized, just won't have color. It’s very small
- I want a white color
This is a fake color that gun manufacturers have made up.
There is no such thing as white Anno. White Anno is a confusing term that is used for silver or clear Anno. What white- silver and clear really is, is no color. It's simply the silver metal that has been sealed and no color/dye has been added.